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1.  CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Boodry began the meeting at 7:30 pm.  Members present:  
     B. Boodry, S. Bowman, Greg Petriccione, J. Simmons, B. Biepho, S. Howard, L.           Leaden,  J. Briody, J. Ginnetty, and R. Carley
 Absent Members:  S. Ward and B. Woerner

2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting held December 7, 2010:  A motion was made
     by S. Bowman, seconded by J. Simmons, to approve the minutes from the Lake Lillinonah Regular
    Meeting held December 7, 2010 as written.  Motion was passed unanimously.

3.  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  Chairman Boodry introduced George Walker, Friends of
    The Lake.
    CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Boodry expressed that he was looking forward to
     working with the newly elected officers.  He stated the Lake Authority members need to be    
     more visible by talking to friends and neighbors about what the Authority’s role is.   
     Chairman Boodry stated that he has spoken with K. Seeley regarding the importance of making sure
     all patrol shifts are filled.  B. Boodry stated that a procedures and policies manual for patrol officers
     should be implemented.  Also discussed was the need to have more officers certified.  R. Carley
     suggested preparing an informational flyer listing shifts needed to be filled, hourly rate, and
     free training, to be posted at the local police departments.  This item will be on the agenda for the
     February 2, 2011 Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting.  Chairman Boodry stated that he       
     would like to have all vacancies filled, and asked that members advocate/recruit filling the
     vacancies for their town.

    FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  G. Petriccione reported that he has not heard from
     Brunswick Boat regarding the Justice boat purchase.

    SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons gave a presentation on his testing of
     a new website to be published for Lake Lillinonah Authority.  The members were all in agreement
     to switch to the new website.
     B. Piepho suggested that the Executive Board ask to be placed on area First Selectman’s agenda to
    speak about the role of the Lake Lillinonah Authority.

    TREASURER’S REPORT:  S. Bowman had no report at this time.  He will need to obtain
    a signature card from the bank as the new treasurer for the Lake Lillinonah Authority.

    1.  Member town obligations regarding budgets:  Chairman Boodry distributed a copy of the
          Lake Lillinonah Authority section from the Code of the Town of Brookfield Book which
          includes the town’s ordinances and states member town obligations regarding budgets.

  Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, January 4, 2011                 Page Two

 2.  Water quality efforts for 2011:  B. Piepho stated that a figure out cost benefit analysis is needed
        to determine if there is any expected benefit from a certain treatment before spending the
        budgeted amount.  B. Piepho suggested giving the Town of New Milford $28,000 to use $28,000
        worth of ferric chloride in their treatment plant in the month of July to kill more pounds of
        phosphorus treating at a point source rather than dumping ferric chloride in the lake.  B. Piepho
        will do the math to see if $28,000 worth of treatment is cost effective.

    1.  Boat purchase and Edgewater sale:  Chairman Boodry stated that he has not spoken to George
         from Echo Bay Marina to discuss the purchase of the Edgewater as well as the contingencies of
          the sale.

    2.  Letter regarding Hawleyville Transfer Station:  There has been no action on this Agenda

    3.  Annual Report:  Chairman Boodry reviewed the 2010 Annual Marine Report prepared by
         K. Seeley.

    4.  Vacancies:  This agenda items was discussed under Agenda Item #4, Chairman’s Report.

OTHER ITEMS:  G. Walker, Friends of the Lake, stated that FOTL is planning a “Clean Up Day” in June 2011.  He will advise of the exact date and time.

7.  ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by J. Briody, seconded by S. Bowman to adjourn
    the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm.


1.  CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Boodry began the meeting at 7:30 pm.  Members present:  
     B. Boodry, S. Bowman, Greg Petriccione, J. Simmons, B. Biepho, S. Howard, L. Leaden,
     J. Briody, J. Ginnetty, and R. Carley
    Absent Members:  S. Ward and B. Woerner

2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting held December 7, 2010:  A motion was made
     by S. Bowman, seconded by J. Simmons, to approve the minutes from the Lake Lillinonah Regular
    Meeting held December 7, 2010 as written.  Motion was passed unanimously.

3.  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  Chairman Boodry introduced George Walker, Friends of
    The Lake.
    CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Boodry expressed that he was looking forward to
     working with the newly elected officers.  He stated the Lake Authority members need to be    
     more visible by talking to friends and neighbors about what the Authority’s role is.   
     Chairman Boodry stated that he has spoken with K. Seeley regarding the importance of making sure
     all patrol shifts are filled.  B. Boodry stated that a procedures and policies manual for patrol officers
     should be implemented.  Also discussed was the need to have more officers certified.  R. Carley
     suggested preparing an informational flyer listing shifts needed to be filled, hourly rate, and
     free training, to be posted at the local police departments.  This item will be on the agenda for the
     February 2, 2011 Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting.  Chairman Boodry stated that he       
     would like to have all vacancies filled, and asked that members advocate/recruit filling the
     vacancies for their town.

    FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  G. Petriccione reported that he has not heard from
     Brunswick Boat regarding the Justice boat purchase.

    SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons gave a presentation on his testing of
     a new website to be published for Lake Lillinonah Authority.  The members were all in agreement
     to switch to the new website.
     B. Piepho suggested that the Executive Board ask to be placed on area First Selectman’s agenda to
    speak about the role of the Lake Lillinonah Authority.

    TREASURER’S REPORT:  S. Bowman had no report at this time.  He will need to obtain
    a signature card from the bank as the new treasurer for the Lake Lillinonah Authority.

    1.  Member town obligations regarding budgets:  Chairman Boodry distributed a copy of the
          Lake Lillinonah Authority section from the Code of the Town of Brookfield Book which
          includes the town’s ordinances and states member town obligations regarding budgets.

  Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, January 4, 2011                 Page Two

 2.  Water quality efforts for 2011:  B. Piepho stated that a figure out cost benefit analysis is needed
        to determine if there is any expected benefit from a certain treatment before spending the
        budgeted amount.  B. Piepho suggested giving the Town of New Milford $28,000 to use $28,000
        worth of ferric chloride in their treatment plant in the month of July to kill more pounds of
        phosphorus treating at a point source rather than dumping ferric chloride in the lake.  B. Piepho
        will do the math to see if $28,000 worth of treatment is cost effective.

    1.  Boat purchase and Edgewater sale:  Chairman Boodry stated that he has not spoken to George
         from Echo Bay Marina to discuss the purchase of the Edgewater as well as the contingencies of
          the sale.

    2.  Letter regarding Hawleyville Transfer Station:  There has been no action on this Agenda

    3.  Annual Report:  Chairman Boodry reviewed the 2010 Annual Marine Report prepared by
         K. Seeley.

    4.  Vacancies:  This agenda items was discussed under Agenda Item #4, Chairman’s Report.

OTHER ITEMS:  G. Walker, Friends of the Lake, stated that FOTL is planning a “Clean Up Day” in June 2011.  He will advise of the exact date and time.

7.  ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by J. Briody, seconded by S. Bowman to adjourn
    the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm.